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Many law firms, professional firms, and corporations are struggling with finding employees and engaging them today – it is an employees’ market. High employee turnover affects customer service by causing fragmentation of information and frequent disruption of frontline connection.

Here it goes – my two-day (7-hour net) ‘Good to Marvellous’ workshop addresses both aims at once – two birds with one stone! – by helping employees become more engaged and motivated and at the same time becoming aware of fundamental realities and tips for delivering impeccable customer service.

Here is the basic premise:

When the Individual is properly aligned, engaged and integrated within the Culture through effective Collaboration, Client Satisfaction can be guaranteed.

Here is the schedule of the workshop:

Day 1

14:30-16:30 Part A – The Individual

16:30-16:45 Coffee Break

16:45-17:45 Part B – The Culture

Day 2

09:00-11:30 Part C – The Power of Collaboration

11:30-11:45 Coffee Break

11:45-13:15 Part D – Ensuring Client Satisfaction

13:15-13:30 Closing / Certificates / Celebrations

The workshop is becoming very popular for law firms, professional services firms, and other companies for a very simple reason:

It aims at achieving three fundamental objectives in one go:

  1. Fortifying the individual and helping them acquire a growth mindset.
  2. Helping build a robust culture through proper values discovery, unpacking and alignment.
  3. Connecting the empowered individual and the robust culture with the customer – leading to the delivery of an impeccable customer service experience.

The above objectives are met by carrying out inspiring and stimulating team-building activities, games, meaningful conversations, interactions, and discussions that leave a vivid imprint and a wonderful memory.

In terms of cost, depending on the number of participants, the program can be significantly sponsored by the Human Resources Development Authority (HRDA).

It is therefore a win-win proposition for individuals, managers, and leaders alike!

Moreover, as a bonus, participants can also get a signed copy of the 2nd Edition of my book The MARVEL of Happiness that – believe it or not – can be used as the guide for delving deeper into the various concepts and themes to be explored in the course.

The premise is very simple:

Happy Employees + Happy Employer = Happy Customers.

What more do you want?

Dear employers, leaders, and HR managers – Get in touch with me for more information!

Philippos Aristotelous

Check out my website for more information and testimonials:

Check out my book that serves as the guide for the workshop:

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