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The opening ceremony of the #Paris2024 #OlympicGames featured a widely discussed and hotly contested scene that sparked extreme reactions, highlighting how deeply entrenched opinions, especially those tied to personal identity, can distort information and hinder rational conversations. This public debate can teach valuable leadership lessons about managing sensitive issues and fostering productive dialogues—insights I’d like to share today.

The Controversial Scene

The controversy centered around a drag performance scene perceived by many as a nod to Leonardo da Vinci’s iconic Last Supper. Following public outcry, especially from Christians, the organisers and artistic director claimed the scene actually referenced Giovanni Bellini and Titian’s painting “The Feast of the Gods,” not the Last Supper. Some viewed this response as dismissive, sparking debates about whether this amounted to gaslighting—an attempt to alter viewers’ perceptions of what they saw.

The intense public reactions and division underscored how beliefs tied to identity can create polarised views and complicate constructive discussions.

Note: The purpose of discussing this controversy is not to take sides but to illustrate how entrenched opinions become integral to our identities and how difficult it can be to change someone’s identity through rational arguments.

Key Leadership Lessons

The reactions to the opening ceremony underscore the power of deeply entrenched opinions and their impact on discussions. By recognising the power of identity, facilitating empathetic listening, and bridging divides with shared values, leaders can navigate sensitive issues more effectively. Here are a few key leadership suggestions to consider:

  1. Recognise the Power of Identity: Understand that deeply entrenched opinions form a core part of people’s identities. Denigrating or dismissing those beliefs can feel like an attack on one’s sense of self. Approach conversations with respect and sensitivity, recognising the emotional weight these opinions carry. Inclusion in DEI (Diversity-Equity-Inclusion) should also encompass respect for individuals’ right to hold their identities and beliefs, whether religious or not, and ensure these beliefs are treated with respect, avoiding ridicule.
  2. Facilitate Empathetic Listening: Create an environment where empathetic listening is a priority. Encourage leaders to genuinely listen to their team members’ concerns and reflect back what they hear to validate those feelings. Do not expect people to simply accept opinions that go against their deeply seated beliefs without responding emotionally.
  3. Bridge Divides with Shared Values: Identify and highlight shared values and goals that transcend individual differences. Use these commonalities as a foundation for building consensus. For instance, in a diverse team with differing political views, focus on the shared goal of project success. In a workplace with varied cultural backgrounds, unite employees around common values like safety and mutual respect. During a corporate merger, highlight shared values such as innovation and customer satisfaction. These examples show how universal values can bridge divides and build consensus in the workplace.

Understanding Thoughts and Beliefs

Our thoughts are the handmaidens of our beliefs, constantly shaped and guided by them. Our beliefs can be seen as the pretty consistent riverbanks that guide the water of our incessant, transient thoughts. This underscores the importance of understanding and respecting the deeply held beliefs of others, as these beliefs fundamentally shape, direct, guide and determine how they perceive and react to the world.

Call to Action

Reflect on your own leadership practices. How can you better acknowledge and respect the deeply held beliefs of your team, whether they are religious believers, atheists, democrats, republicans, humanists, environmentalists, socialists, capitalists, or belong to LGBTQ+ communities, different ethnic backgrounds, age groups, and varying abilities? What steps can you take to create an environment of empathetic listening and inclusivity? Let’s continue this conversation—share your thoughts and experiences with me.

Best Regards,



#Leadership #Paris2024 #OlympicGames #DEI #DiversityAndInclusion #MentalModels #Empathy #ArtAndControversy #Identity #CulturalDialogue


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