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Welcome to MARVEL Talks, E21, where we’re pleased to welcome Marios Loucaides, an established consultant with long hands-on experience in diverse industries and functions and a family business governance advisor supporting over 40 family businesses in Cyprus. 

With a proven legacy at the CTC Group and extensive advisory roles, Marios exemplifies the proverbial merger between experience and knowledge, innovation and wisdom.

In this episode, we explore:

* Marios’ bold transition from the Apex of the CTC Group into the vast expanse of business consulting.

* Navigating the emotionally charged landscape of family business governance.

* Key strategies for successful family succession planning.

* Universal success principles across diverse industries, from his unique scientific and managerial lens.

* Key lessons and principles for leaders, managers and professionals.

* Much more!

For more on Marios Loucaides:

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