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Tomato love


If you have forgotten what it is to care; what it is to love someone or something…

Plant some tomatoes. Do it. Go and buy the seedlings, the soil, the planter.

Fill the planter with fresh new soil. Plant the seedlings. Just make sure to leave a decent amount of space between them. Handle them gently and with care though as the stems are extremely fragile and can break very easily. Once broken, they cannot be restored.

Then use a water container and start watering the seedlings. Gently. Water the roots not the plant. Check the soil. Water once or even twice a day if needed. Again, do not overdo it or else the seedlings will die or the soil will lose all nutrients. Also make sure that the seedlings will benefit from a few good hours of direct sunlight; but no more otherwise the extreme exposure to the sun can damage the seedlings.

As soon as you get into the habit of watering the seedlings on a daily basis, a familiar feeling should be re-ignited. The feeling of c a r i n g. For someone or something o t h e r  t h a n  yourself.

It doesn’t matter what you care for. As long as you water the plants, your love for the plants will grow. And there is only one kind of love, regardless of what causes it. So your ability to care and love expands in all directions. Take advantage of it.

There is no such thing as tomato love. All there is is universal love.

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