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Cyprus has a new president. Nicos Christodoulides won the recent presidential election against Andreas Mavroyiannis.

It has become apparent that our voting behavior is often driven by emotions, rather than by rational decision-making. Our tribal nature and the desire to fit in with our peers, family, and friends frequently influence our political opinions and voting choices. This emotional decision-making is often caused by biases such as confirmation bias and attribution bias, which entrench our opinions and lead us to selectively choose information that supports our preconceived notions.

Here are three examples of how our emotions impact our voting behavior:

  1. Groupthink: People often fall victim to groupthink and blindly follow the opinions of those around them, without independently evaluating the individual merits of each candidate. This can result in uninformed or even misinformed voting decisions.
  2. Personal Experience: Voters often base their political opinions on personal experiences, without considering the broader implications for society as a whole. For instance, a voter who had a positive personal experience with a candidate may support that candidate, even if their policies do not align with the voter’s broader values or beliefs.
  3. Emotional Connection: People often form emotional connections with candidates based on factors such as charisma, appearance, or other non-policy-related aspects. This emotional connection can cloud judgment and lead to irrational voting decisions.

Valuable lessons can be drawn and applied by professionals, CEOs, and business owners from these phenomena. To overcome these biases and make more informed decisions, it’s important to:

  1. Seek Out Diverse Views: Surround yourself with people who have different opinions and actively seek out information from sources that challenge your own beliefs. This will broaden your perspective and help you make more informed decisions.
  2. Consider the Big Picture: Instead of solely focusing on individual policies or experiences, take a step back and consider the bigger picture. What is the best outcome for society (or a company) as a whole? What values and beliefs align with your own?
  3. Challenge Assumptions: To overcome biases at work and in life, it’s important to challenge your own assumptions and beliefs. Ask yourself questions like, “What evidence supports this belief?” and “Are there any alternative explanations or perspectives?” This can help you to identify and question your own biases, leading to more informed and objective decision-making.
  4. Embrace Diversity: Encourage diversity in your workplace and personal life. Surround yourself with people who have different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. This will broaden your exposure to new ideas and challenge your biases, leading to more inclusive and informed decision-making. By embracing diversity, you can also increase your understanding and empathy for others, leading to stronger relationships and more harmonious communities.
  5. Work with a Coach: Consider working with a coach to become more self-aware and distant from tribal dynamics. A coach can help you identify and overcome your biases, leading to more informed and rational decisions.

In conclusion, while our emotions may drive our political opinions and voting decisions, it’s crucial to be mindful of the biases that entrench our opinions and lead to irrational choices. By seeking out diverse perspectives, considering the big picture, challenging assumptions, embracing diversity and working with a coach, we can make more informed and rational decisions, both in the voting booth and in our daily lives.

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