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Nearly everything we do in life is related to our reputation. Whether we like it or not, our reputation is always present and influencing how we are perceived and how we act. From our personal relationships to our professional lives, our reputation plays a crucial role in shaping our identity and determining our success. Reputation is a crucial part of our lives and something we care deeply about, regardless of how much we try to deny it.

Our social nature, combined with our evolutionary background as former nomadic beings, has made us highly attuned to the opinions of others. In the past, being cast out of a group could be a death sentence, as nomads were sometimes expelled and left to survive on their own if they were deemed unethical or unworthy. This highlights the significance of reputation in maintaining social order and reinforcing ethical and moral behavior.

Understanding the importance of reputation means accepting that we do care about what others think, which doesn’t mean we should always do what others expect or aim to please others’ opinions. It simply means that we shouldn’t fool ourselves into thinking we don’t care about others’ opinions. This is because admitting that we care about others’ thoughts can make us appear weak, which again shows that we care about what others think – we don’t want them to see us as weak.

The story of the Ring of Gyges, as related by Plato, emphasizes the significance of reputation. In the tale, Gyges was a shepherd who found a magical ring that made him invisible. He used this newfound power to seduce the queen and eventually became the king, acting immorally and without regard for the laws of the land. However, the story shows that the king was unhappy because he had no friends or associates to confide in and lived in constant fear of being caught and punished for his actions. This tale highlights the importance of reputation as a means of ensuring ethical and moral behavior, as individuals are free to harm others without a reputation to uphold.

As Yuval Noah Harari pointed out in “Sapiens,” gossip evolved as a way to keep unethical individuals in check. Sharing information about individuals through gossip allowed for those who acted unethically to be identified and kept in check. This highlights the power of reputation and the significance of ethical and moral behavior, as even in ancient times, those who acted unethically were at a disadvantage.

Here are three examples that demonstrate how much we care about our reputation:

  1. Negative stories or rumors about us can cause us to feel angry, upset, or hurt, even if we deny it.
  2. When someone has a negative impression of us based on what they’ve heard, it can be challenging to change that first impression. This shows the power of reputation and how quickly it can spread.
  3. Public insults or disrespect, whether in person, online, or through another medium, can hurt and damage our reputation.

In conclusion, our reputation is something we care deeply about and is an essential part of our lives. The story of the Ring of Gyges and the importance of gossip, as outlined by Harari, show that reputation has been a concern for individuals for thousands of years and remains just as relevant today.

In the professional world, reputation is critical to success. Your reputation can impact everything from job opportunities to business partnerships. A positive reputation can lead to increased trust and respect from colleagues, while a negative reputation can make it challenging to build relationships and advance in your career. For example, if you consistently miss deadlines or are difficult to work with, your colleagues may develop a negative impression of you. This can ultimately lead to missed opportunities or even the loss of your job. On the other hand, if you are known for being reliable and easy to work with, you are more likely to be trusted with important projects and opportunities for growth.

This article is a follow-up to our earlier article, “Plato’s Ring of Gyges and Our Reputation” (, and it is our hope that it will encourage readers to reflect on their relationship with reputation and the role it plays in their lives. The idea of reputation being the “elephant in every room” serves as a reminder that, like it or not, our reputation is always present and always influencing how we are perceived and how we act.

Three practical tips to keep in mind when it comes to reputation are:

  1. Acknowledge the importance of reputation but don’t let it control your life.
  2. Be mindful of your actions and words, as they can have a lasting impact on your reputation.
  3. Surround yourself with positive and trustworthy individuals who can support and enhance your reputation. By doing so, you will have a greater chance of creating a positive reputation that will serve you well in both your personal and professional life.


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