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The official launch of the 2nd Edition of “The MARVEL of Happiness” unfolded with great success last Thursday, 2 November!

After taking a few days to recharge from the intensive preparations leading up to the event, I am now eager to share a few reflections on the launch, accompanied by three lessons that I believe are applicable to all professionals.

1. Event recap

The event at The Vinegar Factory, followed by a congenial gathering at the picturesque bar “Sto Dromo”, was well-attended and sparked stimulating discussions. Thales Panagides, a respected author and entrepreneur, adeptly moderated the event, while John Vickers, the esteemed music and radio producer and Senior Executive Editor at Gold Magazine who wrote the foreword for the book, delivered an inspiring introductory speech.

2. My speech in a nutshell

During my talk, I explained that ‘MARVEL’ is an acronym representing a framework for fulfilment and positive engagement with life:

  • M for Meaning: Our perception and vision, the stories we create to navigate life.

  • A for Autonomy: The courage to make our own choices and reclaim authorship over our lives.

  • R for Relatedness: Our need to connect, interact, and feel accepted by our community.

  • V for Values: Identifying and aligning with our highest values to maintain direction in life.

  • E for Experience: Actively living life, not merely observing it—echoing Theodore Roosevelt’s admiration for the “man in the arena.”

  • L for Learning: Embracing lifelong learning to continue flourishing and stay in sync with a rapidly evolving world.

It is evident that a balanced and growing life integrates all these elements: pursuing what is meaningful (M), making autonomous choices (A), fostering relatedness (R), aligning with our values (V), engaging fully in life’s experiences (E), and continually learning (L).

3. Three lessons from the book launch

(i) Engagement is key for book launches – With the decline in traditional book purchasing and reading habits, significant promotional effort is required well in advance to ensure a successful event.

Context-independent lesson: Effective event planning demands early and strategic promotion to build anticipation and ensure consistent execution.

(ii) Relationships drive attendance – The majority of those who attended the event were individuals I interact with fairly regularly. The quality of these connections often dictates the level of support one can expect, whether for event attendance or general encouragement.

Context-independent lesson: Regularly nurtured relationships yield reliability, while neglected ones tend to wither in significance and diminish in value and engagement.

(iii) Perceived value affects commitment – Ticketed events tend to have higher attendance due to loss aversion; people are motivated to get what they paid for. In contrast, events with free admission require a more aggressive outreach strategy to achieve desired attendance levels.

Context-independent lesson: To increase turnout at free events, creating a sense of obligation or anticipation in potential attendees is crucial, as they may otherwise feel less compelled to participate.

I would like to thank everyone who attended the book launch event and wish each person the courage to pursue what truly beckons to them with integrity, perseverance, and nobility!

I look forward to your comments below!


PS: Click here for more information on the book launch and for photos.

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